
Power On logo


Located atop a hill overlooking historic downtown New Haven and Long Island Sound, our 82-acre main campus is home to a vibrant population of scholars and professionals who enjoy a wonderful and inclusive work environment. 网赌上分平台 employees experience an atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration, and can participate in a variety of exciting programs and activities that enrich the lives of students, faculty, staff, 以及整个社区.

网赌上分平台 students embrace change, and they are future-ready and action-oriented. We are a strong community of tenacious spirits and focused minds with genuine intentions, and our students feel a strong sense of belonging as Chargers. Together, we’re set on a clear path to impact the future of our society.

Our valued employees are part of a community where uncommon resolve yields extraordinary results. They embody our mission to Power On and exemplify our shared tenacity to make a difference. 你准备好开启你的事业了吗?



As part of the Strategic Plan一个全校委员会认定 员工七大核心竞争力 that support the University’s mission and its values; measure the successful and effective performance of all employees of the 网赌上分平台; and guide the evaluation and performance management process and goal-setting activities.

Our employee Core Competencies are integral to building a great workplace that attracts, cultivates, 留住人才, enabling us to achieve the critical “people first” goals and objectives outlines in our Strategic Plan.

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Interested in working for an engaging and inclusive employer? 我们想听听你的意见!

We are an 机会均等雇主 and offer a wide variety of positions for faculty and staff.

What We Offer


    • 有多种选择的健康保险
    • 有选择的牙科保险
    • 视力保险范围
    • Fitness center (dues paid through employee payroll deductions)
    • Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) (Healthcare and Dependent Care Accounts)
    • 健康储蓄帐户(HSA)
    • 长期残疾
    • 大学支付的人寿保险
    • 意外死亡由大学支付 & 肢解保险
    • 自愿补充生命和AD&D选项(雇员、配偶、受抚养子女)
    • 健康360计划, providing tips, resources, and programming designed to offer guidance and support in a variety of health and wellness areas
    • 健康折扣计划
    • 与慷慨的匹配
    • 员工学费补助 & 合格的家属
    • Collaboration with Notre Dame West Haven High School; 1/2 tuition scholarship to accepted students at UNH or faculty/staff dependents accepted at NDWH
    • 交换学费机会
    • Generous paid vacation based on years of service
    • Paid sick time
    • Progressive paid holiday schedule (holiday break between Christmas and New Year’s Day)
    • 4周带薪育儿假
    • 带薪丧假
    • 员工援助计划
    • 内部就业机会
    • Diverse, friendly, and respectful work environment
    • Telecommuting options for various exempt positions/departments
    • 每周工作35小时
    • 灵活的工作时间,包括夏季工作时间
    • 服务奖励计划
    • 免费停车
    • 各种校园餐饮选择
    • 二级体育项目
    • 安全旅行援助计划

"What We Offer" is based on current University offerings and may vary between groups. Also, the University may modify or eliminate programs, in conjunction with any applicable bargaining unit agreement, 当它认为必要或适当时.


在过去十年中, the University has completed more than $300 million in major capital projects while launching more than 80 new degree and certificate programs and specialized areas of study. The University also has campuses in Tuscany, Italy, and Orange, Conn.

We invite prospective employees to learn more about the 网赌上分平台 by viewing our Power On campaign video and checking out the 本科大学宣传册 on this page, or by clicking here 浏览大学简介网页.


This 本科大学宣传册 showcases some of what the University has to offer our prospective students and their families. It's a great representation of the type of organization that you could be working for; our values and the core competencies that are most important to us; and the environment we strive to create on campus.
启动交互式Viewbook体验 here.


Please email verification of employment requests to payroll@cengizyazar.com. Be sure to include an authorization to release employment records form signed by the employee within the last 30 days. 我们不通过电话来核实雇佣情况.